Lorenzo’s 64th Birthday
Valencia – June 10th, 2023 marked the day that had many of the Screwie Louie gang meet up at The Zone headquarters to celebrate Lorenzo’s 64th birthday. Food and Bloody Mary’s made their way into everyone’s bloodstream except Michael C. because he was on medication from not using his prostate enough. Lorenzo had a good time with all but was still melancholy that he still had one more year before he could start enjoying his retirement and Medicare. We suggest when next year come around, that Lorenzo not only get Medicare A, but Medicare B, C, and D as well. Surely all his years of partying with the ladies, and men as well, have had to take their toll on his immune system.
Lorenzo was heading out to England the next day and we all wish him a great trip and safe returns.

Is Screwie Louie a card club..?
Does this group have a regular playing day for Screwie Louie?
How did you hear about Screwie Louie and get started?
Hi Len,
Screwie Louie was a staple sport at the Smoke Zone in Santa Clarita. Many of the guys were playing years before me. Leon, Pat, Steve, Mike, and Rod, were the Screwie Elders. Pat knows the creator of the game Uncle Louie, which seems to be where Screwie Louie came from.
Since the Zone can no longer have smoking inside nor outdoors because of the new ice cream shop next door, none of the players go there anymore to play. How can you play the game without a cigar and some whisky!? It’s the end of an era. Now, some players go to Genuine Cigars while others invite friends to play at their homes. One such player is Kirk: https://www.screwielouie.com/kirk/ who will host a game this Friday night 10/1/2024
I’ve suggested that we use this website to organize some games. I’ve also ran into some players at Garbiz’s (Leon’s brother) smoke shop Woodland Hills. They tell me there are players at the Lonewolf in Santa Monica. It seems there is a lot more players that we all know. Maybe you could send them to this website, and we can figure a way to get players for games. Thanks for reaching out. I don’t make this website publically known on the internet. How did you find us?
I’d like to come out and watch you guys play. When do you play? And, where do you play?
Who does Pat know who is the creator of the game…? Interesting…!
I live in Santa Clarita…
Hey Len,
Since The Zone no longer has smoking inside, most of the guys set up their own games wherever they can. A lot of them are now hanging out at Genuine Cigars. Sometimes they get a game going there but when the regulars want to play Poker, they take over the large table.
Pat knows the originator of the game, but I have never met the guy. He was kind enough to sign off on this site since we use his game instructions here.
I’m in Santa Clarita, I’d like to meet you and talk to you about Screwie Louie….!
I know interesting things about this game…. do you have a free hour..?
Hi Len,
Reach out with your contact info here, that ways its not public: https://www.screwielouie.com/contact/
I will try to find the time but since I live in Moorpark, I don’t live in your area and only get to Santa Clarita when one of the guys wants to put together a game. Here’s how to learn the game: https://www.screwielouie.com/how-to-play/
How did this gathering get started? Who brought the game to your attention that got a regular playing day?
How did this game get introduced and get a group formed to play on a regular basis????
I have lots of questions… do you know David Vanacore ?
I used to meet up with a lot of the guys at The Zone around 8 years ago. I’d been going there since 1998 but never hung out much. While the rest of us would play chess and chat, there was always four guys playing a card game on a foldup table. They were in their own world and totally fixated on the game. After several years, one of the guys (ROD) began to teach some of the other guys. Even though the game is easy to learn, it takes a great amount of focus and memory to play the advanced game, you need to try to remember what cards your partner picked up, but also what the other team is picking up. Once you get hooked on the game, you want to play it all the time. ROD calls it evil, since he has a love/hate relationship with it, haha.
Actually David Vanacore told me about this group. David surprised me and came my home, a few years ago, and asked me about this Screwie Louie game. I had never met him before this. He told me he plays in a group and we talked a while. We had an interesting conversation. I’d like to share with you one day when you are available….
I’m trying to remember who David is. The local guys may know him. If I saw a picture I might recognize him. You didn’t know him but he came to your home? How did he figure that out?
David met someone and told David about me. I don’t recall who David talked to but they gave him my address.
David came by and he told me about this group that played Screwie Louie…. then I learned about this group…
I’m not in contact with David, but he’s a musician who has a business in the nearby industrial center…